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Sunday, March 22, 2009


Moshi DC, Mr. Musa Samizi was also among the visitor at Msasani Secondary School. Here together with the Headmistress plus other Municipal Officials.

School Construction Committe Chairman, Mr. Gasper Mkuji shares some words with the RC.
The Msasani Secondary School Headmistress, Madam Mfuru, elaborating something to the chief guest Mr. Babu (white) and the Mosh DC. Mr. Musa Samizi with a light blue "Kaunda"

RC Mr. Babu reading a speech before inspecting the activities at Msasani Secondary School. Seated on the left is the Moshi Municipal Director, Mama Kinabo.

The Regional Commissioner visited Kaloleni Ward to inspect various development projects. At Kaloleni he visited two projects: Construction of the Irrigation Scheme Fallow at Goa Water Spring and Construction of Classrooms at Msasani Secondary School. The four Classrooms had already been completed and the new form one students for this year are using them currently.